In ReDescubreT we use the Transteoric Method for a full recovery

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We are a recovery center for adictiones like:

Alcohol, Marihuana, Cocaine, Heorine, Methamphetamines and more.

Transteoric Method

From the question "What makes people change when they try to change some undesirable or problematic situation ?, James Prochaska and Carlo Diclemente created a model to try to understand what, how, when and why people change. Through research focused on studying the phenomenon of intentional change, they developed their transtheoric model, composed of stages, processes and levels.

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ReDescubreT is a place for people with behavioral and emotional problems that are manifested in self-destructive attitudes and substance use, we have the moral responsibility and an experience of over 18 years with a commitment to maintain an atmosphere in which patients are motivated to detect, admit and correct these actions that are putting their lives at risk and that of the people around them, it is known that this disease detonates with a genetically acquired hypersensitivity and that in this way over time, the example and by inheritance are showing traits which are considered symptoms of an emotional illness that most cases culminate in drug addiction or addictive behaviors.

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Adictions we treat

We have an advanced and proven personalized program where psychological approaches are fused in each and every stage of internment.
